What is Science Olympiad? Science Olymiad is a competition for elementary, middle, and high school students. Teams of 15 students compete in 23 different events on a Saturday. Regional, state, and national competitions exists to challenge students in biology, chemistry, engineering, physics, and the nature of science. As an inquiry based competition, student do more than report on what they have researched – they perform and demonstrate in authentic ways that excite students, teachers, and parents alike.
Why Join Science Olympiad? Science Olympiad has a demonstrated track record of engaging students in scientific inquiry and exciting them to learn science, mathematics, and engineering. Students explore many scientific fields extending well beyond what is offered in school. This type of exploration can lead to a fulfilling STEM career.
Most importantly, you’ll find students so excited to do Science Olympiad that they spend countless hours preparing and studying! In fact, for several years now we have been tracking teams and their performance on state science assessments. This year, the average passing rate for schools with Science Olympiad teams on the Biology EOC was 71% (as compared to 64% statewide average). On the 8th Grade Science Assessment, the pass rate was 55% (as compared to 48% statewide average). More time studying science translates to higher test scores.
Join the Revolution! Join Science Olympiad and see how excited students become about learning! See Mr. Rys for more information.
Check out more on YouTube. In 2014, the University of Central Florida hosted the Science Olympiad National Tournament. See more on our YouTube Channel: http://youtu.be/6MIp27_gdao?list=PL5rQozB04qlrL8UltueQq0E28Jy9A8rIv