The goal of the CMS Before and After School Program is to provide an
alternative environment for the children of working parents.
OBJECTIVES: To provide a leisure program which will include all phases of
recreation programming. Development of computer skills, homework skills and
social skills will be stressed.
HOURS OF OPERATION: The Before School Program will be held each day school is in session
from 7:00am to 9:15am. The After School Program will be held each day school is
in session from dismissal to 6:00pm, excluding early dismissal days. The After
School Program will not run on early
dismissal days.
ENROLLMENT: Enrollment is possible at the school office. You must complete an
enrollment form and make your payment for the upcoming week. There is a
non-refundable enrollment fee of $25.00 for this program. This must be paid
before your child may attend.
PAYMENT: Payment for the
program is due on a weekly basis. We are not able to extend credit to any
parent. If payment is more than two weeks delinquent, we reserve the right to
dismiss your child/children from the program. Please pay promptly.
PAYMENT: Upon notification of a returned check
presented as payment for the Before/After School Program, the Program Director
will contact the family to request repayment of the returned check plus any
applicable fees. The amount of the returned check plus any applicable fees must
be paid in cash to Caloosa Middle School immediately or the student’s
participation in the Before/After School Program will be suspended until
payment is made in full.
Upon return of a second check, program fees must be paid in cash for
the remainder of the school year.
FEES: Before School Program $25.00 flat fee per week per student
After School
Program $25.00 flat fee per week per
Please put your child’s first and last name on the checks and make
payable to: Caloosa Middle School.
● The Before School Program will begin at 7:00am sharp! Students are not
permitted on campus prior to 7 a.m.
● The After School Program will end at 6:00pm sharp!
● If you are late picking up your student from the after school program,
you will be charged $1.00 per minute beginning at 6:01 p.m. until the student
is picked up. If you are unable to pick up your child by
this time, please make arrangements with persons listed on your enrollment
form. Unauthorized persons will not be permitted to remove a child from the
facility. If at 6:30pm your child has
not been picked up, the following procedures may occur. The Cape Coral Police Department will be
notified and the Department of Children
and Families (DCF) will be contacted. Your child will then be removed for
placement at an overnight facility and DCF will become directly involved. After
3 late pick-ups, student will be removed from the program for the remainder of
the school year.
Free breakfast will be available in the school cafeteria at 9:15 am. All
students will attend breakfast and your child may choose to eat at this time. Students may not bring candy or soda for
If you have any questions, please contact the school office at