Media Center


Mission & Vision

A World-Class Media Center for a World-Class Middle School

Mission: To inspire a passion for reading and research

Vision: To become a World-Class Media Center


Media Center Services

The Caloosa Middle School Media Center is here to serve the students and faculty of the school.

We have a collection of over 18,000 books, including a digital collection, and offer various services that will help support the learning process and develop lifelong readers.


These services include:

- General material checkout for students and faculty

- Preparing resource lists

- Assisting with emerging technologies (Chromebooks, E-books, 3D printer etc.)

- Providing lessons in information literacy and digital literacy

- Scholastic Book Fairs

- Wireless internet usage and charging ports

- Classroom seating for 52 with projector and screen

- - Production tools and materials for teacher use, including:


-Ellison machine

-tabletop paper trimmer

-3D printer



Visiting the Media Center

Flexible scheduling is best. You and your students are welcome anytime. If you are requesting

services from the media specialist other than general book checkout, then please give a brief

explanation of the planned activity or materials that will be needed to ensure preparations are



A. Class Visits: 

The usage of the media center is encouraged and should be scheduled in advance so that adequate

preparations can be made. Teachers should remain with their class during this time. Media center

visits should not be scheduled when a substitute teacher is scheduled.

B. Individual Student Passes:


All students are encouraged to use the media center before school and throughout the day. Students

coming to the media center should have a pass and should sign in at the circulation desk. Please do

not send more than 3 students at a time. 



Library Policies

Media Center Rules for Students

- You must have a pass to come to the media center during the school day.

- Sign in at the circulation desk.

- Please place books you are returning in the Book Drop (at the circulation desk)

- Leave eating or drinking for the cafeteria! Food makes our books sticky.

- Use a quiet voice and be mindful of others.

- Keep the shelves neat. Put unwanted books back in the same spot or on a library cart so that we may

reshelve them later.

- Please use the correct entrance and exit door. 




-Max Checkouts: Unlimited

-Regular: 1 school year

-Dictionaries: 1 school year

-eBooks: 14 days


-Max Checkouts: 3

-Regular: 14 days

-Dictionaries: 1 school year

-eBooks: 14 days


Chromebooks are checked out and checked in through the media center. Please see the media

specialist if you have any problems or issues with your Chromebook. For more information about

Chromebooks, please visit  the following link.



The library allows students to print material from the computer. Material should be school related.

Abuse of printing privileges (excessive printing, printing materials unrelated to school, etc.) may

result in revocation of printing privileges

Lost/Damaged Books

If a book is lost or damaged, the individual who checked out the book is responsible for paying the cost of the

book to replace it.

At the end of the year, all chromebooks, library books, and textbooks must be returned. Eighth-graders with

unpaid library dues may have end-of-the-year privileges suspended.

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